The page of an enthusiast who promotes tsumami zaiku to the world

Become an Official Teacher and Join our team!
ITA Official Teacher is the person who agrees with ITA(International Tsumami zaiku Association)'s philosophy and has the will to carry on and develop the traditional Japanese tsumami zaiku techniques, and has reached the standards of the traditional techniques.
Teachers promote tsumami zaiku through various activities such as creation and sales, workshops, and other activities as artists and instructors in various countries.
We are seeking for more people to join our team!
Let`s spread the tsumami zaiku lovers around the world and pass on this beautiful Japanese art to the next generation!

Certified Teachers Around The World
As cultural ambassadors, they share Japan's heritage globally, through crafting, selling, workshops, and events, they create new value for Tsumami zaiku.

1. How to Become The Certified Teacher
ITA Official Teacher is the person who has reached the standards of the traditional techniques and is certified by ITA (International Tsumami zaiku Association) .
News & Information
- Tsumami zaiku activity in SingaporeHello!I am Juveina Sim, ITA Certified Teacher from Singapore, also known as Jing静 from Jing Creations Sg. On 18 December 2024, I conducted workshops under LOST ARTS FOUND residency hosted by Play! as part of *SCAPE Community Arts Residency Programme 2025. I thought very hard about the purpose and goals of the workshop sessions. I think I would like to introduce the traditional method of Tsumami Zaiku. I would also like to share about the history of Tsumami Zaiku and the depth of the craft so that participants can have a newfound appreciation for Tsumami Zaiku and other traditional crafts after the session. I decided upon a simple design clip with […]
- Tsumami zaiku workshop for exchange students in UniversityHello! I am Tomomi Yamashita, ITA Representative Director, and instructor. As I mentioned in last week's newsletter, we offered a Tsumami zaiku workshop to 36 international students from the university in Tokyo the other day. We were asked to hold a workshop for them to experience Japanese culture as part of their university class. The international students came from all over the world: Korea, Taiwan, China, Singapore, Indonesia, the United States, England, Spain, Russia, Mexico, and Australia. Since we had two hours, I first prepared materials to lecture them about tsumami zaiku. The classroom lecture took about 10 minutes with lots of visuals so that students won't get bored.After that, […]
- Craft festival "Monomachi" in Tokyo!Hello, I am Rei Furuya, ITA Certified Teacher, and director of ITA. From 24th to 26th last month, Monomachi, an event held in Tokyo's Taito Ward, was held. Ateliers, studios, and stores offered workshops and other opportunities for visitors to experience their skills. This year, 110 stores participated in the event. My studio “Aoi Kai” also participated in the event as we did last year. About 90 people attended the workshop this year. The wide age range, from 3 years old to elderly participated. It is always a lot of work to prepare for the event, but we received comments such as, “I was looking forward to experiencing tsumami zaiku!", “I came last […]
- Market Event in SingaporeHello, I am Juveina Sim, ITA Certified Teacher, and founder of Jing Creations SG, from Singapore. On 11-12 May 2024, I attended Doujin Market event and shared a booth there with my partner under our shared brand name Just Kidding! Amidst this electrifying celebratory gathering of Singapore’s doujin culture, I took the opportunity to share about the traditional craft of tsumami zaiku with visitors who dropped by my booth. I brought some new stuff to Doujima. Hanami Dango and Hana Dango (花見団子と花団子) Previously I had written about my chirimen Hanami Dango hairclips in the Doujinfes Kallang post. For Doujima, I brought many new flavors - Hana Dango. They are Matcha, […]
- Is Tsumami zaiku really traditional craft of Japan?Hello, I am Tomomi Yamashita, ITA Teacher and Director. Tsumami zaiku is known as a traditional Japanese craft, but, to be exact, it is Japan's traditional craft designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. So why? I guess you might ask. Tsumami zaiku was positioned as a "traditional craft designated by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government" because Tokyo was the only area where tsumami zaiku was being produced at the time it was certified as a traditional craft. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) was in charge of this certification at the time, which is probably why the requirement was set in this way. If it had been under the […]