After obtaining the instructor certification, many may be unsure about conducting workshops or lessons. ITA Certified Teachers Program offers support by providing selected lessons and teaching materials to promote traditional techniques.
By watching the One-shot videos on Tsumami Kanzashi School Online and downloading the accompanying text, you can confidently organize workshops and lessons.
Tsumami zaiku Knowledge

If you want to get tsumami zaiku knowledge, please come to our Website!
We are providing the history and below technical topics. You can use this topics when you have a workshop.
1. fabrics
2. folding technics
3. methods
4. parts
5. tools
Lesson Materials

Certified teachers are granted the privilege to access selected One-shot lessons from Tsumami Kanzashi School Online for free.
By watching these videos, you can learn teaching procedures and key points, and also download texts to distribute to participants.
There are a total of five videos available, and it's permissible to vary workshop content based on seasons or levels.

How to Proceed The Workshop

When hosting a workshop, there are many preparations and points to consider.
Once you become a certified teacher, you will receive text for conducting trial workshops on tsumami zaiku.
This will enable you to confidently host workshops, even if it's your first time teaching.